The laboratory department’s main mission is to provide testing of biological samples in a timely, accurate and efficient manner to assist physicians in their daily practice for the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of disease and therefore enhance patient health and quality of life. Our team consists of highly experienced medical technologists with various subspecialties including microbiology and genetics, all working under the supervision of laboratory biologists: Dr. Gilbert Karayakoupoglou, Dr. Malak Naboulsi and Dr. Salwa Hamdash.
The laboratory vision is to be recognized and maintain recognition as one of the leading laboratories in Lebanon and strive to provide the best patient care possible.
Our values are mainly:
- Quality and Excellence
We strive to achieve growth and excellence in all services with high quality and safe patient care. The laboratory department is part of a national and international quality control scheme with its main goal to offer the widest spectrum of medical analysis with the best quality.
- Integrity
The laboratory personnel act with the highest integrity and honesty in everything we do to protect the overall safety, confidentiality and privacy of all our patients.
- Respect and caring
We pledge to treat patients, families and co-workers with high dignity, respect and care for the well-being of every person to ensure the well-being of the community we serve.
- Innovation
We constantly seek innovation and breakthrough technologies to keep-up with the latest advances and remain at the forefront of progress.
Laboratory services comprise:
- Phlebotomy
- Hematology
- Hemostasis
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Urinalysis
- Serology
- Special chemistry
- Genetics
The laboratory department operates during weekdays and weekends 24/24; services are also offered during holidays including Home Care.
Official results can be accessed online by logging in to the hospital website. For information regarding patient preparation prior to blood examination, kindly contact the laboratory on +9616411111 Extension 503 or by WhatsApp message on 76/461493 from 7:00AM till 3:00PM.
To enquire more about our Home Care service, you can reach us via WhatsApp on 71/608271.